Sunday, May 24, 2020
Analysis Of Palmer s Concrete Limited Liability Company
Individual Learning Project 2: Contemporary Management Technique: Business Process Improvement (BPI) Palmer’s Concrete Limited Liability Company Ken Davis Liberty University Introduction In the analysis of Palmer’s Concrete Limited Liability Company. The company seems to have many opportunities to regain the industrial statues that made them a thriving company prior to the 2007-2009 economic recession. Floyd Palmer, owner gives the company the most prestigious advantage, the combination of thirty-year’s experience. Although, Floyd is a Baby-Boomer he understands that hard work today does not come cheap for most his age. For Floyd, learning a skilled craft was the most important part of becoming successful. Floyd does not hold a college degree, as he began working with his father immediately after high school (Floyd Palmer, personal communication, November 15, 2015). Baker, (2013) published in the Chicago Tribune, â€Å"Why gaining work experience is more important than your education.†Baker argues that colleges are the first to tell you that you need more than a degree to get hired and graduates with work experience are more attract ive than those without. Palmer’s concrete needs a contemporary management technique as a defensive strategy than reactive. Several contemporary management techniques are analytical to this project, Benchmarking, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), and Business Process Improvement (BPI). 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